Discover all the solutions


Instant overview of your deals as well as potential investors.

The application guides you to record everything important about the deals for their evaluation, as well as sharing with your colleagues. Fast and comfortable.

Information about the deal as well as related activities such as sharing, matching, collaborations, deal tracking can be found neatly organized in one place. In addition to contacts, you can also record the investment criteria of investors in the investor database. The app will automatically select those who match your deal.

Everything is available to you at any time on your mobile device, whether you are in a meeting with your team or a client.


Secure even more buyers.

Select potential buyers through automated matchmaking or involve your connections in the search for a buyer.

The application will automatically find a counterparty to your deal from a database of deals shared by other DEALock users. It also selects from your database of investors those for whom your deal meets their investment criteria.

If you need help, simply involve your colleagues at the firm, related advisors, or other DEALock users if you find it useful, in finding a suitable buyer.

It’s up to you what scope of information you share and with whom.


Discover the best investment opportunity for you.

Select opportunities through a filter, automatic matchmaking or, with a few clicks, involve your connections in finding a suitable target.

DEALock automates matchmaking, sharing relevant information, enabling reward agreement and creating collaborations so that you secure the most investment opportunities in the fastest possible time, either for yourself or your clients. At the same time, DEALock protects your interests by giving you access to user profiles and ratings, integrates NDA and Non-circumvention agreement.


Stay online with your entire network of acquaintances and the DEALock community.

You will immediately learn about new opportunities. Create collaborations. You won’t miss a deal anymore.

Don’t have time to communicate regularly with more than a few contacts? Do they bring you incomplete information? Do you often waste your time with unprospective leads? Do you miss the interesting ones?

Create an effective referral network with DEALock and continuously increase it. In a few seconds, set up anonymous sub-accounts for your agents, through which they will share information about leads with you online and negotiate finding fees. In turn, your affiliated advisors can take the opportunity to privately share selected deals with you, and also arrange to work together to find a buyer or, conversely, a suitable investment target for their clients.


With DEALock, you will get new contacts to M&A advisors, intermediaries and investors.

Meet the broad community of M&A professionals. Filter by rating, chat or create collaborations.

DEALock connects the entire dealmaking community. Investors, financial and legal M&A advisors, as well as people who bring leads such as corporate lawyers, accountants, auditors, CFO’s, CEO’s, bankers and others with whom business owners consult on sale of their business. In the first phase, you will get contacts to dealmakers in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In phase two to the CEE community, then to countries across the EU and gradually to other global investment regions.


An online overview of the deals of the entire company as well as the status of their development.

Save time in meetings spent on reproducing and finding out information.

Create accounts for all employees in your business unit. Keep a constant overview of what’s going on in your company. Keep track of the status of work in progress, paired deals, or the stage you are at in each deal.

Share deals to a central business unit database, so all decision-makers are on the pulse.

Leverage robust access management and control the scope of information available to your employees.